112 contact centre is a state of the art technology centre which is operational 24* 7, 365 days a year. It has a seating capacity of 400 communication officers (COs) and dispatch officers (DOS). To aid the COs and Dos, an efficient CAD (Computer Aided Dispatch) system has been designed infused with the latest technology features. It also has an Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) to be activated in large scale emergencies or planned events for multi-department coordinated response.
The contact centre has high quality video walls installed on CO and DO side each. These video walls are spread out across the length and breadth of CO and DO halls. Video walls are used to display large scale data and graphics, issue instructions and warnings.
The emergency response system has a robust IT framework for management of information and prompt response to the needs of the citizen. The IT solution automates all the processes that are part of emergency handling and has the ability of scaling-up the architecture according to future requirements. The architecture principle followed has enabled increased process agility, improved process workflows, enhanced reuse, and enabled longer life span of applications.